Mocha.js equivalent of it.each

Mochajs doesn't have `it.each` but it's still possible to easily write repeating tests

I was working with web-test-runner to write some tests for our a Web Component in our Baklava Design System. There was some repeating tests checking similar use-cases with different key codes. I wanted to use it.each to simplify the test like below:

it.each(["Space", "Enter", "ArrowDown", "ArrowUp"])(
  "should open popover with %i key",
  async (keyCode) => {
    // given
    await sendKeys({
      press: "Tab",
    await sendKeys({
      press: keyCode,

    // then

But, WTR uses Mochajs as the testing framework and Mocha doesn't have it.each. I tried using a plugin and then tried to use Jest with WTR but both had some drawbacks. Then I realized it's actually easier than expected:

["Space", "Enter", "ArrowDown", "ArrowUp"].forEach((keyCode) => {
  it(`should open popover with ${keyCode} key`, async () => {
    // given
    await sendKeys({
      press: "Tab",
    await sendKeys({
      press: keyCode,

    // then

This took more than one hour for me. I hope this will help for some people to not loose that time again.

Me on Mastodon: